Why do I want to go to Guatemala? It’s real easy. To see God at work; both in the lives of those He brings our way and in the lives of the teens who will be there, too. To have an opportunity to be a part of something that is so much bigger than we are gives us all a glimpse of the awesomeness of the God of the universe. And, to think, He loves us! It’s a mind-blowing thought.
This mission trip provides experiences that cannot be explained away as coincidence. Young people in Guatemala–whom God will have ordained for us to meet–will have their lives changed as a result of us getting this chance to go down there and tell them about who He is and how much He loves us. And, then, to be able to have the chance to pour into the lives of the teens who come down as a part of the outreach, that’s the icing on the cake!
To play a part in their decision to take God at His Word and give their lives to Him in ways they never thought possible. And to see Him meet them where they’re at, fill them with forgiveness and hope and light their way. No words can describe the wonder of being able to be a part of that. Won’t you help us get there? Donate through FirstGiving, or contact me for my mailing address.
Most importantly, pray that God would clear the obstacles and prepare our hearts to see Him, and what He’s doing in the world to draw people to Himself.