
It would take too long to run through all the details about how I got to where I am as I write this. My son, Rob, and I are in Lima, Peru, along with over 400 teenagers and just over 100 adults. We’re here with Focus on the Family’s “Brio” summer mission trip ( Our job is to go out in teams to the small villages around Lima to perform a short drama that presents the gospel. Some days we also have the opportunity to do some work (assisting with church construction, helping people with their laundry or washing children’s hair) before we present the drama.

We’re here to tell as many people about Jesus as we can. And, so far, in the two days of outreach that we’ve had there have been over 1,000 people who have become Christians!! On my team, alone, we have seen 148! It is truly amazing to see how God arranges for people to be present. Many times they were on their way to do something else and “happened upon” us, and what we were doing. How amazing to see the looks on their faces when they understand their need for Christ, and can pray to receive salvation right there!

Yesterday we had two locations arranged for us to visit, but we had time for three presentations. Our translators mentioned that they would look for a place for us to perform as we worked our way back to “El Pueblo”, the convention center where we are staying. We found a place, got out of the bus, turned on some music to draw attention, performed, and had more people pray to receive salvation there than in the earlier two places, combined.

Although I’m not concerned about the numbers–it would be enough if we only planted seeds for local pastors with whom we are working–they are amazing! I can’t explain what it is like to see 72 people (almost all in attendance) sincerely want to welcome the Lord into their hearts! Working with translators, we ask each of them a series of questions to find out if they really understand what is happening. Then we collect their names and contact information so the churches in their communities can follow up and welcome them into their congregations.

Here’s a picture of the first place we went in the “Highlander” area around the city. There are more photos and descriptions on the Brio Missions website.

This area was near the center of a small village mostly surrounded by steep hills. If you look in the background you can see the immensely long series of steps people need to climb to get to their homes. Their houses are very small and crammed one next to the other. Can you imagine working all day and then needing to climb those steps to get home?

If you look in the upper right portion of the picture you’ll see a couple loudspeakers. Several times we heard someone calling, “Attencion! Attencion!” followed by something else in Spanish that I cannot understand. Our translators told us that the announcements were telling people that there was a phone call for one of the villagers. I thought to myself, “Oh, my goodness! What if I just got home (at the top) from work and then got a phone call!”

Here are a few more pictures:

My team on the bus.

Washing hair (Yes, some of the children had lice).

Some of the children who came to play.

This is Leini (sp?). He and I connected during the time before we performed. He’s an energetic, outgoing and fun-loving boy. Pray for him.

I’m having a tremendous time being a part of the outreach and pouring into the lives of the many teens who are here. I’ll update more as I’m able. We are quite busy!

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