Dear Friends,
I continue to be amazed at the wonderful and touching ways we have been blessed by your outpouring love and care. May God bless you all richly in return! I know you are praying for us because I can feel it amidst the fervor.
Lee has been hit hard by the last round of chemotherapy. We learned last Wednesday that her hemoglobin level had dropped to one-tenth above the point when she would have needed a transfusion! It scared us, to be honest. Before we knew the cause of her weakness and tiredness it was hard to not fear the cancer was growing. Now, we’re waiting for the Aranesp injection to do it’s work before Lee feels stronger. They say it takes about 10 days. Ugh! And, to top it off, last week was a full chemotherapy week for Lee. So, she’s been hit doubly hard.
Please pray for her energy level to rise.
When I last sent out an update, we had just reached the decision to discontinue home-schooling and were trying to determine which of the schooling options we should pursue. My head has been spinning ever since! It’s just not that easy! But, God is faithful and provides wisdom and direction. He has closed doors for the public schools and left open the door to the private Christian school associated with our church.
One of our biggest fears initially was how to broach the topic of “out-schooling” with our chilren. Some of you already know how that news was received by them. We were both astonished and relieved by their willingness and excitement.
As of today all four of our children are attending the Evangelical Christian Academy. Rob is in seventh grade, Ben in sixth, Maggie in first and Jack in a 3-day per week half-day pre-kindergarten. Each of them knows other children in their classes. We’re satsified with what we know of the faculty and the educational philosophy and goals.
Lee initially felt a wave of sadness as the homeschool chapter of our lives came to a close. But, when she saw that it appeared as though the change would be easy–even welcome–for our children, her sadness quickly became relief as the burden was lifted from her shoulders. I’ve got a mixed bag of emotions myself. I’m comfortable with the decision, but a little (no, a lot) concerned about where the ability to afford the tuition will come from.
Would you pray with us for that provision to be made clear? The cost of four chilren suddenly in private school is something for which we were not prepared.
Thankfully, both the school and our church have mentioned that they will be able to provide some help. I have yet to hear what that assistance will be. I’ll be relieved with whatever can be given. The school’s budget is already tight, and the church’s budget has probably been affected by the transition we’re in to find a new senior pastor. My hope is that we’ll be able to have this school year covered. We’ll deal with next year when the time comes to begin making such plans.
Lee’s next CT-scan will probably be in mid-December. The radiation therapy option we were looking into in Denver has been put on hold until the tumors in Lee’s liver shrink and enough of her liver regenerates. As it is now, any damage the radiation could cause to the functional liver that remains might become life-threatening to Lee.
We’re praying that the God above all gods, who doesn’t need to use medicines in order to heal, will bring about healing either through the Erbitux and Camptosar, or simply by Divine decree. And, we’re praying that He would keep us strong by His Spirit while we await the fulfillment of His will.
Thank you, again, for your kindness, love and support as we weather this storm.
Mark 9:24b